Produce Prescriptions Once Again Included in the House MilCon-VA Bill

5/28/2024 –

The Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and related Agencies Appropriations bill was passed in a 209-197 vote for FY-25. The bill will provide $113 billion for VA medical care programs, $2 million of which will be dedicated to produce prescriptions. Please find the language from the bill on produce prescriptions below: 

“Produce PrescriptionsStudies have shown veterans experience obesity and chronic diet-related comorbidities at higher levels compared to the U.S. population. VHA has the potential to play an important role in alleviating diet-related disease through produce prescriptions. The Committee provides up to $2,000,000 for VA facilities to partner directly with organizations to develop and implement local VA produce prescription programs and pursue strategies for patient education and outreach. The Committee looks forward to the report requested in House Report 118–122 on this issue.”

Watch this video from NPPC member, The Rockefeller Foundation, to see how Food is Medicine and PRx programs help Veterans. 


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