NPPC Participates in Tufts Food Is Medicine Hill Day

4/10/2024 –

On April 10th, NPPC joined our colleagues at the Food is Medicine Institute (FIMI) at Tufts for a Food is Medicine Congressional Advocacy Day. A diverse group of FIM stakeholders brought together people with experience and expertise in all facets of FIM, including but not limited to: patients and clients, clinicians, researchers, health systems leaders, public health practitioners, and folks from non- and for-profit organizations that provide FIM products and services. Participants conducted a combined total of 75 congressional visits with the purpose of educating on the power of food is medicine in transforming health outcomes for patients, and the importance of integrating nutrition into the healthcare system. Find more information in the Hill Day two-pager here

NPPC is proud to be included as a member of the Organising Committee and we congratulate the team at the Food Is Medicine Institute for a remarkably successful action! 


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