NPPC expressed support for Drivers of Health (DOH) screening, screen positive, referral, and resolution measures in various care quality improvement programs to the members of the National Quality Forum’s Measure Applications Partnership during the recent public comment opportunity

As members of the National Produce Prescription Collaborative (NPPC), we are pleased to write in support of the measures currently being considered under the Measure Applications Partnership Considerations.

A Produce Prescription (PRx) is a medical treatment or preventative service for eligible patients due to diet-related health risks or conditions, food insecurity, or other documented challenges in access to nutritious foods, and are referred by a healthcare provider or health insurance plan. These prescriptions are fulfilled through food retail and enable patients to access healthy produce with no added fats, sugars, or salt, at low or no cost to the patient. When appropriately dosed, PRx has been shown to improve healthcare outcomes, optimize medical spending, and increase patient engagement and satisfaction. The NPPC is a coalition of dozens of PRx practitioners, provider and plan partners, healthy food retailers and produce farmers and suppliers, academic researchers, and other stakeholders who work collaboratively to advance the utilization of this nascent yet promising treatment and prevention tool within the clinical workflow.

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