The Third Annual Social Determinants of Health Policy Forum

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Dec 2

The Third Annual Social Determinants of Health Policy Forum

December 2 - December 4

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Join Us for The Third Annual Social Determinants of Health Policy Forum

Convening Leading Policymakers with Cross-Sector Practitioners to Identify Opportunities and Advance Policies That Support Stronger Communities, Better Health, and Solutions to Address Health and Social Needs

In cooperation with Aligning for Health, RISE is bringing together hundreds of policymakers, policy experts, and practitioners from across the health and social services sectors to explore the current and future state of social determinants of health policy. Learn from, engage, and network with government leaders on federal efforts to increase coordination and impact of programs and services that address health and social needs. 

Join the only forum gathering state and local governments, leading payers, providers, community-based organizations, and health networks providing insights into innovative programs, models, and best practices to advance whole-person health. Walk away with a better understanding of policies and programs that advance and support data sharing, collaboration, financing, accountability, and equity.