10/11/24 –
As PA Week comes to a close, The Clinical Advisor interviewed a pair of PAs from Sioux City,Nebraska who aim to combat food insecurity by growing fresh fruits and vegetables for their patients. Jill Bundy, PA‑C, MPAS, is a PA at the Siouxland Community Health Center, and David Faldmo, PA‑C, MPAS, is the quality director and PA at the Siouxland Community Health Center.
What do you think are the biggest health challenges facing your community?
PA Faldmo: We live in a society where our lifestyle can lead to metabolic unfitness. [In our practice] we see patients with diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and fatty liver disease, among other diseases. Addressing that, detecting symptoms early, and getting people on a better lifestyle path is key to avoiding a lot of these conditions.
PA Bundy: Playing into that is the education for our patients about how metabolic unfitness is a problem. I think there’s a lot that patients don’t quite recognize as health risks that set them up for these disorders.