10/08/24 –
Editorial on the Research Topic
Food As Medicine
“Let food be thy medicine”—a mantra famously attributed to Hippocrates—captures the central role of nutrition and dietary patterns in human health. Not only is the food we consume linked to prevention of diseases of dietary deficiency such as scurvy, pellagra, and Kwashiorkor, so too is it related to diseases of caloric abundance, such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, and hypertension. Moreover, patterns of food consumption are increasingly linked to restoration of health and maintenance of disease-free states following diagnoses such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, and cancer. Our ever-expanding knowledge of the human microbiome’s role in health and disease continues to implicate patterns of food consumption to microbial diversity and function, and their impact on mood, cognitive status, and metabolic health. Never has the scientific examination of Hippocrates’ famous tenet been more timely and needed. Food As Medicine is complementary to the field of lifestyle medicine, which promotes health behavior change across six domains, including nutrition, exercise, sleep, stress, or substance use/exposure to prevent, treat, and potentially reverse lifestyle-related, chronic disease…